Intro 2 Devin Hype Film

A Film Introducing Devin Hype DJ, Turntablist, & Friend! He Talks about how he started in the industry, where he was born & raised along with his daily mentality with music.

Peace from devin hype in the dark room aka Studio De Hype
Devin Hype on The Cut Gopro footage

Victor Escobar

DJ Been DJ from The age of 9 years old had no one to teach me // Still going strong doing what I love! Photographer I have been taking photos since i can remember messing around with my dads camera wasting the film and now i own 3 cameras and i use them very wisely because with great gear come great responsibilities Video Producer/Shooter/Editor Started shooting videos in high school for classes so me and my friend can get a passing grade and extra credit. after a while of shooting and editing my video, they started telling me that i was very talented in that and i should make it as a career/business. have been shooting, producing, and editing for about 4 years now.